Recent Publications and Presentations
Recent Publications
Monroe, JD and Storm, AR. 2018. Review: The Arabidopsis β-amylase (BAM) gene family: Diversity of form and function. Plant Science. 276: 163-170.
Storm, AR; Kohler, MR*; Berndsen, CE; Monroe, JD. 2018. Glutathionylation Inhibits the Catalytic Activity of Arabidopsis β-Amylase3 but Not That of Paralog β-Amylase1. Biochemistry 57 (5): 711-721.
Monroe, JD; Breault, JS*; Pope, LE*; Torres, CE*; Gebrejesust, TB*; Berndsen, CE; and Storm, AR. 2017. Arabidopsis b-Amylase2 is a K+-Requiring, Catalytic Tetramer with Sigmoidal Kinetics. Plant Physiology 175 (4): 1525-1535.
Monroe, JD; Storm, AR; Bradley, EM*; Lehman, MD*; Platt, SM*; Saunders, LK*; Schmitz, JM* and Torres, CE*. 2014. β-Amylase1 and β-Amylase3 Are Plastidic Starch Hydrolases in Arabidopsis That Seem to Be Adapted for Different Thermal, pH, and Stress Conditions. Plant Physiology 166: 1748-1763.
Monroe, JD; Pope, LE*; Breault, JS*; Berndsen, CE; and Storm, AR. 2018. Quaternary Structure, Salt Sensitivity, and Allosteric Regulation of β-AMYLASE2 From Arabidopsis thaliana. Front. Plant Sci. (9): 1176.